Arrive in Washington Meet your Close Up Concierge and explore DC with your school Welcome Dinner Group Orientation Meet students from across the country and get to know your Close Up Program Instructor Introduction Workshop* What are the biggest issues that we face in our democracy today? Issues Debate Ask your most challenging political questions and engage with a liberal and a conservative DC insider Exploring American Political Values Study Visit** Where do American political values come from and what do they mean today? Jefferson Memorial—How do the rights outlined in the Founding Documents apply to our view of liberty today? FDR Memorial—What rights are needed to ensure equality and promote the welfare of citizens in the U.S.? MLK Memorial—How do we see MLK’s view of justice in the U.S. today? Lunch at Reagan Building and International Trade Center National Politics Seminar Gain inside access and discuss current issues with a DC lobbyist, journalist, or policymaker Smithsonian Institution Exploration Visit one of the world-renowned museums to discover and learn about history and culture American Political Values Workshop Examine the connections between liberty, equality, and justice Dinner at Hotel Current Issues Discussion Debate hot topics with your new friends from across the country Social Time War Memorials Study Visit What do the WWII, Vietnam, and Korean Memorials say about those who have served and sacrificed? Lincoln Memorial How does the imagery of the Lincoln Memorial portray his legacy? Lunch at National Place Capitol Hill Group Photo U.S. Marine Corps Memorial Visit the larger-than-life representation of the iconic flag-raising at Iwo Jima Pentagon 9/11 Memorial In what ways did the events of 9/11 change America forever? Dinner at Pentagon City Mock Congress Workshop Debate, amend, and vote on the same issues elected representatives are currently considering Social Time * Workshops are small learning communities comprised of students from various states. Each workshop community is led by the same Close Up Program Instructor for the duration of the trip. ** Study Visits led by highly-trained instructors provide unique opportunities to learn using historic sites and institutions as living classrooms. Sample schedule subject to change. S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y