b'WHO WE AREOurstudentslearned CloseUpisthenationspremiernonprofit,nonpartisancivic morethanhistoryand educationorganization.Since1971,over900,000studentsand teachers have participated on our experiential learning programs, and many more have enhanced their curriculum usingClose Upspolitics. They gained real innovative classroom resources. life experiences that will WHAT WE DO preparethemforlifebeyond high school !AtCloseUp,webelieveyoungpeopleareessentialtoAmericanKaren, Teacher, CAdemocracy.Ourprogramsaredesignedtoprovidethemwiththe knowledge and skills they need to be informed and active citizens. Students who come on Close Up return home inspired to get involved and empowered to further civil discourse in their communities.HOW WE DO ITUsingWashington,DC,andColonialWilliamsburgasliving DISCOVERfoundingclassrooms, students have the opportunity to explore the famous monuments,world-renownedmuseums,andhallowedinstitutions that define our past, impact our present, and inspire our future. Guided by our highly-trained instructors and Williamsburgs notable Historical Interpreters, students better understand the history of our nation and discover theprinciples of our government. Throughout their time with Close Up, they participate in facilitated debates and workshops with their peers of varying viewpoints, and ultimately find their unique voice!'